A s*x shop which thought it wise to design and display dildos with the faces of Jesus and Mary on then, have sparked serious outrage.
The dildos had the faces of Jesus, Joseph and Mary A Spanish s*x shop has been vandalised and boycotted after it caused severe outrage among residents. The shop caused outrage after it
featured a nativity of dildos in the window display.
According to Metro UK, Héctor Valdivielso, who owns Non Sit Peccatum in Toldedo, commissioned an artist to paint the Virgin Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus on ceramic s*x toys. But despite the unusual nativity scene proving popular in the beginning, it gradually started to draw negative attention, reports The Local – Spain. 'A man with his wife ordered me to remove the offending scene and said
that if I didn't he would remove it himself,' he wrote on Facebook.
Valdivielso said the shop sign was also vandalised with the words 'sinners' and a group called Children of the Virgin Mary have vowed to boycott the store. A protest was also held outside the shop where a dozen people shouted abuse at customers.
Valdivielso eventually gave in and removed the window display. But instead of another nativity, he
replaced it with a poster asking passersby to vote whether the ceramic Mary, Joseph and Jesus should make a return. And 78.5% of people voted for the display to be reinstated. 'People asked me not to give in to blackmail. So it's going back in the window,' he added.
Source: tori.ng